Meeting the Needs of All Students in a Multi-Age Math Classroom VIRTUAL Workshop
Tue, Sep 17, 2024, 3:30 – 4:30 PM EDT
Zoom Meeting
Teaching math to students in a multi-age classroom can feel daunting and overwhelming. How do you use program materials that are for one grade level when you have multiple grade levels in one classroom? How do you ensure kids have access to grade-level content while also meeting them where they are and helping them fill gaps in unfinished learning? Come hear from an experienced multi-age math classroom teacher about 6 things you can do to help your multi-age classroom run smoothly and support both inclusion and differentiation for all your students regardless of what grade level they are in.
Intended Audience: K-8 math educators, coaches, and building leaders.
Tara Trudo
ALN Facilitator
Contact us
- All Learners Network
- as••••w@all••••k.com
Zoom Meeting