VT AOE: Pre-K 6 Hour Workshop
Fri, Oct 27, 2023, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT
All Learners Network Learning Center, Suite 249 Chace Mill, Burlington, VT Map

This workshop is designed for teachers, special educators and math specialists who are interested in identifying and creating meaningful learning opportunities for mathematics in Preschool and Pre-K settings.
This workshop is designed for participants to:
- Explore the research around early mathematics teaching and learning.
- Celebrate and share the authentic ways that teachers create learning opportunities for math through play.
- Investigate tools for collecting evidence of learning.
- Engage in tasks & activities to take back to classrooms to enrich mathematical understanding.
- Make and Take tools and resources for classroom use.
This workshop is funded and supported by the Vermont Agency of Education.
Please contact ashleymarlow@alllearnersnetwork.com with any questions.
Allison Donnelly (she/her)
DeVeau Sleeper (she, her, hers)
Contact us
- All Learners Network
- as••••w@all••••k.com
All Learners Network Learning Center, Suite 249 Chace Mill, Burlington, VT