
Math For All Learners DAY 1

Tue, Mar 29, 2022, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM EDT
All Learners Network Learning Center, Suite 249 Chace Mill, Burlington, VT Map

"Teaching math so everyone can learn." This 2-day workshop includes the principles of teaching for equity and the closing of achievement gaps.They are also a good introduction to the other workshops offered by the All Learners Network.

The All Learners Network uses five key components to help math leaders and, ultimately, teachers, support all students to be successful in mathematics: High Leverage Concepts, All Learners Lesson Structure, training for instructional leaders to facilitate student growth, a rapid cycle of inquiry, and formative assessment forming instruction. We teach educators to use these effective strategies to help all children learn math.

This workshop is funded and supported by the Vermont Agency of Education.



Ashley Marlow (she/her)

Director of Operations/ALN Facilitator

Chris Farnham (she/her)

ALN CFO and ALN Facilitator

Contact us


All Learners Network Learning Center, Suite 249 Chace Mill, Burlington, VT